I have grown up in a strong political family. My dad, being in the army is a strong republican and has passed his views and beliefs down to me. I don't know much about the government in all honesty but from what I do know most of my views are strongly republican. I took my Political Ideology and this is what I received:
Social Conservative
Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Social Conservative typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.
Social Conservatives represent 11 percent of the American public, and 13 percent of registered voters.
Basic Description
One of three core Republican groups, Social Conservatives (along with Pro-Government Conservatives) are somewhat more religious than are Enterprisers. They are supportive of an assertive foreign policy and very conservative on social and cultural issues. In policy terms, they break from the Enterprisers in their cynical views of business, modest support for environmental and other regulation, and strong anti-immigrant sentiment.
One of three core Republican groups, Social Conservatives (along with Pro-Government Conservatives) are somewhat more religious than are Enterprisers. They are supportive of an assertive foreign policy and very conservative on social and cultural issues. In policy terms, they break from the Enterprisers in their cynical views of business, modest support for environmental and other regulation, and strong anti-immigrant sentiment.
Defining Values
Conservative on social issues ranging from gay marriage to abortion. Support an assertive foreign policy and oppose government aid for the needy, believing people need to make it on their own. Strongly worried about impact of immigrants on American society. More middle-of-the-road on economic and domestic policies, expressing some skepticism about business power and profits, and some support for government regulation to protect the environment. While not significantly better-off than the rest of the nation, most express strong feelings of financial satisfaction and security.
Conservative on social issues ranging from gay marriage to abortion. Support an assertive foreign policy and oppose government aid for the needy, believing people need to make it on their own. Strongly worried about impact of immigrants on American society. More middle-of-the-road on economic and domestic policies, expressing some skepticism about business power and profits, and some support for government regulation to protect the environment. While not significantly better-off than the rest of the nation, most express strong feelings of financial satisfaction and security.
Who They Are
Predominantly white (91%), female (58%) and the oldest of all groups (average age is 52; 47% are 50 or older); nearly half live in the South. Most (53%) attend church weekly; 43% are white evangelical Protestants (double the national average of 21%).
Predominantly white (91%), female (58%) and the oldest of all groups (average age is 52; 47% are 50 or older); nearly half live in the South. Most (53%) attend church weekly; 43% are white evangelical Protestants (double the national average of 21%).
Lifestyle Notes
56% report having a gun in their home, and 51% attend Bible study groups.
56% report having a gun in their home, and 51% attend Bible study groups.
2004 Election
Bush 86%, Kerry 4%.
Bush 86%, Kerry 4%.
Party ID
82% Republican, 18% Independent/No Preference, 0% Democrat (97% Rep/LeanRep)
82% Republican, 18% Independent/No Preference, 0% Democrat (97% Rep/LeanRep)
Media Use
Half of Social Conservatives cite newspapers as a main source of news; the Fox News Channel (34%) and network evening news (30%) are their major TV news sources.
Half of Social Conservatives cite newspapers as a main source of news; the Fox News Channel (34%) and network evening news (30%) are their major TV news sources.
Note: All descriptions and percentages are based on the national sample of adults surveyed by telephone in December. Based on your answers to the survey questions, you most closely resemble survey respondents within this group, even though you may differ significantly on one or more issues or traits.
In the overall typology there is a ninth group called “Bystanders” who are defined as adults who are not registered, who do not follow news about government and public affairs, and who say they rarely or never vote.
I have already taken State Government during the fall and learned a lot about how the government in Texas works. In all honestly I have no goals in achieving anything that involves politics or the government what so ever; but since politics and the government are very much involved in our lives, and can make the balance beam lean a little more our way if we know how to work the system, I figured I would learn what i can and make the most of the government classes i take during my college career, and it wouldn't hurt to learn more about why i'm a Republican. Growing up with a father in the army he always told me that you have to work hard for what you want and that the government should stop giving people that are lazy and don't have a job our money that we pay in taxes. I strongly agree with that. In my eyes if the government continues to give free stuff such as a housing allowance and free food to needy families then they will never seek a job and then pretty soon everyone will be depending on the government. Ever since President Obama, who I strongly dislike, has gone into office he has had some ridiculous ideas one such as the Health Care Plan. I believe that this plan is outrageously idiotic considering people who go to school for years and have thousands of dollars in student loans will graduate and will be making the same amount of money as people who have little education or none at all. Right now, politics is not a big part of my life because I currently don't work and I am just a student, but I believe that in the future it will play a big role in my life, knowing this i hope to benefit from this class.
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